Penedo Gordo White

Penedo Gordo White

Young aromatic and very fresh wine made from the Alentejo main white varieties.Buy
Tasting notesYoung aromatic and very fresh wine made from the Alentejo main white varieties.Visual: Very clear and light lemony color.
Aroma: Very young fruity aromas with some tones of spring flowers.
Flavour: It’s a dry wine, yet prety round. A very own minerally and acidity matches perfectly with the generous amount of alcohol.
Year: 2023
Grape Variety: Roupeiro 45%, Antão Vaz 45%, Chardonnay 10%
Alcohol Content (%vol): 13
Residual Sugar (g/dm3): 2
Total Acidity (g/dm3): 6
Winemakers: Fernando Machado e Henrique Lopes
Available 750ml e 375ml
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Mondial de Bruxellas 2018
Mondial de Bruxellas 2018Penedo Gordo White received Gold medal in the World Competition of Bruxelles
Ce vin harmonise parfaitement avec de nombreux plats tels que les poissons, les viandes de volaille grillée, la cuisine asiatique ou une salade fraîche. Il est parfait pour un apéritif d'été.
Astuce: Spaghetti Nero aux crevettes, l'ail et la coriandre accompagnée de Penedo Gordo blanc
"This wine is the result of a dedicated work, persistent and in harmony with nature.House bottle displays a variety of fresh and intense aromas".
António Esteves Monteiro